Laser treatments Cardiff

Laser therapy is one of the most effective and technology advanced ways to treat a number of conditions such as lines and wrinkles, hair removal, tattoo removal, thread veins, pigmentation and acne scarring.

Why travel further afield when you can have the latest laser treatments in Cardiff? We are the leading clinic for laser therapy in Wales. Our laser treatments are performed by highly experienced medical aesthetic doctors and nurses at our medical aesthetic clinic in Cardiff city centre

Examples of symptoms that laser therapy is used to treat:

  • Skin Rejuvenation
  • Laser treatment to rejuvenate the face by smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles
  • Hair Removal
  • Leg Veins
  • Dermatological problems like rosacea, skin pigmentation and port wine stains


Cellite is the first clinic outside of London to offer the latest non-surgical body sculpting treatments to remove stubborn pockets of fat.

Petit Lady laser treatment

Petit Lady laser treatment is a non-surgical and minimally invasive medical laser treatment for vaginal tightening and labial remodeling.

Tattoo Removal

Lasers are the most effective non-surgical way to remove a tattoo. Our advanced Q-Switch Nd-YAG Laser can remove most tattoos.

Mole Removal

People have different reasons for mole removal. For many, it’s because they look unsightly but sometimes a mole has become malignant or cancerous.

Leg Vein Treatment

If you suffer from thread veins or spider leg veins, the small blue veins that can develop can be a cause of real embarrassment.

Laser Hair Removal

The MedioStar Next laser uses diode laser technology to gently and efficiently remove hairs.

SmartXide Skin Resurfacing

SmartXide is the most advanced fractional laser skin resurfacing treatment for acne scarring, pigmentation and wrinkles.

Wart Removal

If your warts have failed to respond to other treatments, our surgical wart removal treatment could be the answer.

Spectra Laser Peel Treatment

Spectra laser peel is a comfortable superficial laser peel with no down time. After the treatment you can put back your make up and go to work or socialise with no one ever guessing that you just had a laser peel treatment!