Do you want skin that feels smoother, looks younger, more radiant and refreshed? Dermaroller is a medical skin regeneration and scar repair therapy that stimulates the body’s own collagen production to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, stretch marks, acne scars, skin laxity and scarring.

The Dermaroller treatment has made a massive improvement to my skin. The age spots have gone and I have a fresher complexion. I also feel that my skin looks less lined. I have had lots of positive comments from people about how good I look for my age and I have no doubt that it’s thanks to the Dermaroller treatment.- V.W., Chelteham

Genuine Dermaroller Q&A

Cellite Clinic is an authorised Genuine Dermaroller™ therapy clinic in Cardiff. We only use the sterile single-use medical grade devices. These penetrate deep into the skin bringing a far superior result than the non-medical treatments offered by non-medical set-ups, like beauty salons. Medical grade Genuine Dermaroller™ therapy can only be carried out by a trained medical practitioner.

The practitioner will apply an anesthetic cream to your skin 25-30 minutes before your treatment to numb the area. A single-use rolling device containing many tiny needles is then passed over the skin. The needles create micro punctures in the skin that stimulate your skin to naturally and safely produce new collagen and elastin.

The treatment is relatively tolerable by most people and anaesthetic cream is applied beforehand to reduce the discomfort.

Your skin may be very blushed for up to 24 hours. After your Dermaroller treatment your practitioner will put on a barrier repair cream to encourage the repair of the skin. We recommend you wear a sunblock between and after treatments.

Dermaroller can be used on any part of the body. The most common area to be treated is the face for fine lines and wrinkles, or to treat acne scars. The Dermaroller is also used to treat lines and wrinkles on the neck, décolletage and the backs of hands. It is also a great treatment for new stretch marks on the abdomen.

It may take up to six weeks before visible signs of skin improvement are seen and the process will continue over the following months. The skin enhancement will be gradual and long lasting. We would normally recommend a minimum of 4 treatments, 6 weeks apart.

£300.00 (with two creams, for first treatment)
£250.00 (for treatment only, no cream)

Dermaroller in the Press

Can the Dermaroller make you look younger, The Daily Mail

Recommended products

Maintain the effects of your Dermaroller treatments with Obagi Skin Care, SkinCeuticals available exclusively in Cardiff from the Cellite Clinic. Visit our Products page for more information.

What should I do next if I want Genuine Dermaroller?

It couldn’t be easier please call us on 02920 644 644 or Contact / email us to arrange a consultation in our Cardiff clinic.

If you have more questions we will be happy to call you back at a more convenient time.